The vessel is developed in collaboration between Rostein and Skipskompetanse AS and will get the yard's build no. 74.
This is a modified variant of the LFC 2020 series, but will be build according to Bn.70, Ro Senja, which was delivered on the 9th of January 2023.
It will be arranged with the latest technological solutions for fish welfare and parasite removal.
With this contracting, Rostein has built new vessels for around a quarter of a billion NOK at Larsnes Mek, and this confirms how important the aquaculture industry is to the maritime sector.
The vessel is arranged with hybrid propulsion and with a battery pack of approx. 600 kW and have TIER III diesel-electric machinery as well as other technology to save fuel and reduce emissions.
The hull is to be delivered from Marine Projects Ltd in Gdansk in the 3rd quarter of 2025, and will be handed over to the ship owners in the 2nd quarter of 2026.
The vessel is arranged and adapted to the company's operating basis and is aimed at spinner/seine fishing. It is also equipped with a factory for fresh fish, combined RSW, tanks for live fish, and the possibility of icing in containers.
Jarle Berg has good and energy-saving solutions such as an optimized hull design, SK 3151 from Skipskompetanse AS, and the arrangement has been developed to improve the quality of the fish. It is also equipped with a large propeller, two-step gear, variable speed generator, take-me-home solution, and a battery pack of 10 MWh.
These solutions contribute to good operating economics, and emphasis is placed on good safety and comfort for the crew. The vessel is considered to meet the future requirements and expectations for a minimal environmental footprint.
We want to thank the shipowners Jarle Bergs Sønner AS for the trust that they have shown us and wish them the best of luck on all seas.
This is number 10 in the series of live fish carriers delivered from us to Rostein As in 9 years and is the sister ship to Ro Sailor.
It is arranged for open and closed transport of fish and smolt and has a loading capacity of 2,800 m³. This is also the first well boat in the world to be equipped with Wavefoil, which has a wingspan of almost 8 meters. This should reduce accelerations, improve fish welfare, and provide fuel savings. The boat has zero emissions during closed transport and has TIER III machinery. It is also top equipped with the latest in technology for well boats. Accommodations for 12 persons.
Congratulations to the crew with this great work facility and the shipping company with the new addition to its fleet!
Den 23. og 24. mai skjer det store ting på Larsnes Mek. Verksted As 🤩💥🎼🎤 vi holder stor åpningsfest i dokkhallen! Mer informasjon kommer, men hold av helga da vel 🥳🥳😃 ... See MoreSee Less
Julen nærmer seg med stormskritt og julefreden begynner å senke seg.
Først vil vi takke våre lojale og dyktige ansatte for en utrolig innsats i året som snart er over. Takk til våre kunder for den tilliten dere stadig viser oss, og takk til våre leverandører som alltid gjør sitt ytterste for å levere varene på tid. Vi har hatt det mest hektiske året noensinne, med ferdigstilling og levering av Jarle Berg og en omfattende ombygging og totalrenovering av Ro Fjell.
Kaiene har stort sett vært fulle av båter som er inne til både store og små reparasjons -og vedlikeholdsoppdrag. Dokkhallen har vært fullbooket i hele år, og i vårt tidvis krevende vestlandsvær ser vi nå virkelig verdien av praktbygget. Vi er stolte av det nye anlegget vårt, der vi i tillegg har laget til et lite friluftsområde med badestrand, promenade og grillhytte som bygdefolket fritt kan disponere.
I det nye året starter vi på utrustningen til bnr. 73, Kapp Linnè til Myre Kystdrift, som er verdens første kombinerte snurrevad /bløggefartøy. Denne skal leveres i 2.kvartal. Skroget på bnr. 74 til Rostein AS kommer i 3.kvartal og dokkhallen er booket frem til og med uke 23, så det blir lite hvileskjær.
Vi går 2025 i møte med krum nakke og oppbrettede ermer, men først tar vi en velfortjent juleferie og åpner anlegget igjen den 2. januar. Vi ønsker dere med dette en fredfull julehøytid, og et Godt Nytt År! ... See MoreSee Less
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Kjør! Vi er klare :)
Hærlig!! Det gledes👍
Oj! Då må eg heim ein tur!